Bibida Residents Refuge To Madi Church Using TNI Trucks After OPM Returns To Terror

    Bibida Residents Refuge To Madi Church Using TNI Trucks After OPM Returns To Terror
    Photo: Community members praying at church.

    BIBIDA PAPUA Since June 14, 2024, the Joint Security Apparatus (Apkam) has succeeded in seizing the Bibida District of Paniai Regency, which has been controlled by the Free Papua Organization (OPM).

    It is known that the struggle was carried out during Operation Pursuit of Apkam against the OPM Group led by Undius Kogoya, who shot residents in East Paniai District on Tuesday, June 11, 2024.

    However, the OPM has not been deterred from disrupting security and a conducive situation in the Bibida area. Based on Apkam's monitoring, it can be seen that OPM's efforts to return to trying to disturb the community. Facing this condition, community leaders who represent the voices of local residents have expressed their support to the Joint Apkam to take action against the OPM. Based on Apkam's monitoring, that OPM personnel who tried to disrupt Bibida's area, placed their position in Bibida Forest and its surroundings.

    Bibida community support for the Joint Apkam considering their desire for their area to be safe and conducive. In fact, as a form of support for the smooth running of the Apkam Enforcement Operation against the OPM, the public has submitted a request for assistance for support for Apkam trucks in the field to temporarily evacuate them from the Bibida area to the Madi Church in Paniai Regency.

    "The whereabouts of Bibida residents who temporarily fled to Madi Church in Paniai Regency have annulled the statement of a Social Media Account on Facebook, on behalf of Haren M. Swall, that people have fled to Bibida Forest. Thus, if there are residents who move into Bibida Forest, they can be ascertained as sympathizers or members of the OPM, " said HABEMA KOOPS Media Task Force Commander, Lt. Col. Arh Yogi Nugroho. (PenKopsHabema)

    babida papua
    Jurnalis Agung

    Jurnalis Agung

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